Counseling and Psychotherapy for individuals, families, kids, and teens

Sometimes life gets harder than we expect and we feel like we “just can’t”.

I can’t relax. I can’t keep up. I can’t turn my brain off. I can’t make decisions. I can’t sleep. I can’t speak up. I can’t eat. My family can’t get along. I can’t focus.

These feelings are common in several conditions including anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, relationship stress and attention disorders.

The worst of it is you’ve tried. Nothing feels like it works.

You’ve tried to make things better and haven’t found anything helpful. This feels overwhelming. And the chances are good you may be worried if therapy will even help.

This is where our team of clinicians excel and get to the bottom of what’s going on and can get to what works for you.

When we find the root cause, we can do so much more than talk and listen.

We believe the best approach is to listen to you and get to know you first. You are the expert on you, your situation and your life. You can be heard, believed, and understood. When it comes to what really works we need to go beyond talk. Psychologists are the experts in finding the why and knowing what works to help.

After we get to know you a bit, we use a variety of assessment and evaluation measures to make sure we have uncovered all of the pieces that can play a part in how you feel, think and behave. Think of it like therapy’s version of a blood test. It helps us see what’s going on inside that is important to understanding you. Then together we identify evidenced based effective treatment approaches and implement strategies, tools and behaviors that work.

And this will help you feel you can do the things you want and need to do. Even when they are harder than expected.