Relationship and Communication Counseling & Therapy

in Phoenix, Arizona

Let’s Talk. Relationships and Communication.

Communication issues are a common reason many people seek the help of a counselor or psychologist. Even if we communicate well with friends and colleagues, it’s not unusual to struggle when it comes to communicating well with a partner. This relationship often carries deeper needs and expectations, making it challenging to express ourselves clearly.

Working with a therapist can help overcome these challenges. Despite the frustration and pain, there is hope. In counseling, we’ll identify patterns that lead to arguments, teach partners to express their needs in a way that’s understood, and develop skills to improve communication.

By the end of counseling, couples aim to heal emotional wounds, decide if they want to stay together, or separate with care and compassion. The counselor’s role isn’t to decide your future but to help you heal and make an informed choice about your relationship.

For many relationships, increasing conflict and distress creates worry that the relationship might not be the right match. However, conflict is where relationships grow because it means we are working to express ourselves. Good relationships are often hard work, and within our practice we help people develop the skills they need to overcome hardship, and create healthy, fulfilling connections.

Regardless of the relationship or the challenge you are facing, the team at Phoenix Psychology and Counseling can help.  Our psychologists and counselors treat communication and relationship challenges with a highly individualized approach and we are dedicated to developing a treatment plan with you and for you.

We don’t believe in a one size fits all approach.  Your talk therapy will focus on the specific challenges you experience and focus on the goals you want to achieve. Your provider will discuss different options to help and find the right fit for you.

We can help you deepen insight into your communication difficulties, identify the patterns that have occurred and develop realistic and effective strategies for change.

We work alongside you to explore your circumstances and how to integrate and apply what we discover in the therapy session to your life outside our office.