Anxiety. Let’s Talk.
We’ve all felt it at one point or another. Sometimes anxiety improves our performance or motivates us to get things done. But when anxiety isn’t helpful, we feel stuck, worried and overwhelmed.
Even if you can go to work, spend time with friends, and do your daily tasks, anxiety might still be making things hard for you. Anxiety can make it tough to get along with people and make you feel sick or tired. It can also make you feel bad about yourself.
While Anxiety can be very uncomfortable, it usually responds well to treatment and many people start to feel better within a few sessions.
Together we will work to tackle your anxiety and find realistic ways for life to feel better.
Anxiety Counseling & Treatment
There are varying causes, sources and symptoms of anxiety. Sometimes it comes from a more obvious stressor such as relationship or communication difficulties or a recent loss. Other times it can be an underlying feeling of not being good enough or not doing enough. And if you have experienced a traumatic event, anxiety about what happened may show up unexpectedly and uninvited.
Regardless of the cause of anxiety, the team at Phoenix Psychology and Counseling can help. Our psychologists and counselors treat anxiety with a highly individualized approach and we are dedicated to developing a treatment plan with you and for you.
We don’t believe in a one size fits all approach. Your talk therapy will focus on the specific type of anxiety you experience. Your provider will discuss different options to help and find the right fit for you.
We can help you deepen insight into your distress, identify your anxiety triggers and develop realistic and effective coping skills for your needs.
We work alongside you to explore your circumstances and how to integrate and apply what we discover in the therapy session to your life outside our office.